Topological translation details

Original brain regionOriginal nomenclature Translated brain regionTranslated nomenclatureTopological relation AnnotationReferenceCollator
Juxtacapsular subnucleus of bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BSTJXC)Moga-Fulwiler-SaperBed nuclei of the stria terminalis lateral division (BNSTl)Krettek & Priceidentical ...although many distinct BST cell groups are in common to both Ju and Swanson ('89) and the present study (e.g., DL, VL, PL, JXC, PM, and AM), others listed in Table 2 represent only a rough comparison. Further studies are needed to determine whether the subnuclear boundaries in these studies are useful indicators of connectional and functional differences. Collator note: we inserted only those relations that are explicitly stated by authors in their paper. For a newer comparison study, see Dong et al., 2001.J Comp NeurolMihail Bota