Cell details

outer alpha retinal ganglion cell, nomenclature (acronym): Tauchi (Tauchi)

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Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of outer alpha retinal ganglion cell
AnnotationReference Collator
outer alpha retinal ganglion cellPeichl (Peichl)

Rat alpha cell dendritic trees. like those of all mammalian alpha cells, are monostratified in the IPL in either an inner sublamina (inner alpha cell) or an outer sublamina (outer alpha cell).The dendrites of outer alpha cells show frequent branching also near the soma so that their dendritic field is more homogeneously filled with processes.identical
In accordance with previous findings by Peichl (1989) we have shown in the rat retina that inner and outer alpha cells are systematically different in soma shape and size as well as in the manner of dendritic branching.Tauchi M., Morigiwa K. & Fukuda Y.Mihail Bota