Cell details

Tree of the 360 nm-cone, nomenclature (acronym): Neitz et al. (N)




sensory neuron









Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of 360 nm-cone
AnnotationReference Collator
blue-sensitive coneSzel and Rohlich (SR)

With regard to the recent findings of Neitz and Jacobs (1986). much more doubt is left about the spectral characteristics of the other, extremely rarely occurring, cone type labelled by mAb OS-2. If this cone type contains a visual pigment with a different colour sensitivity, the only logical alternative is that it is blue-sensitive. The assumed blue sensitivity of OS-2 positive cones in the rat is supported by the selective staining of blue cones by OS-2 in other mammalian species in our experience (Szel et al., 1988).synonim
We suggest that in the rat retina the monoclonal antibody OS-2 does not label cones containing the typical mammalian SWS photopigment. Rather, since the rat retina appears to lack such receptors, OS2 labels those receptors that contain a photopigment having a peak sensitivity in the UV.Deegan J.F. & Jacobs J.H.Mihail Bota