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glutamate/PACAP expressing retinal ganglion cell, nomenclature (acronym): Hannibal et al. (Hannibal)

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Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of glutamate/PACAP expressing retinal ganglion cell
AnnotationReference Collator
melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cellBerson, Hattar et al (BH)

Somatic immunoreactivity appeared mainly at the cell surface (Fig. 1B1), suggestive of melanopsin being targeted to the plasma membrane. Every labeled retinal cell was a ganglion cell, on the basis of the presence of an axon coursing into the optic fiber layer and toward the optic disc. More than 95% of labeled cell bodies were in ganglion cell layer, the remainder being dispalced to the inner nuclear layer. Dendrites from adjacent cells overlapped extensively, forming a reticular network (Fig. 1B2). The stained dendrites and proximal axons had a beaded appearance, showing punctate, dense labeling. The complete dendritic fields of labeled cells, visualized from stacked confocal images (e.g., Fig. 1B2). had varied sizes and shapes (Fig. 1C). Labeled displaced RGCs (Fig. 1C, right three cells) had similar soma sizes but less extensive dendritic arborizations than nondispalced cells (Fig. 1C, left three cells). The mean somatic diameter of labeld non-displaced RGCs was 16 micrometers (Fig 1.D), but the limited sample of dendritic-field measurements precluded any statistics. Morphologically, these neurons fit within the type III group of rat RGCs (17), especially tyose shown to be intrinsically photosensitive (12). ...Whether in the ganglion cell layer (Fig. 2A) or displaced to the inner nuclear layer (Fig. 2B), the melanopsin-expressing RGCs extended dendrites into the inner plexiform layer, where they arborized most extensively at the border with the inner nuclear layer. synonym
Because an identical distribution of cells containing PACAP immunoreactivity was observed (Fig. 1F,I ), we investigated whether melanopsin and PACAP were present in the same ganglion cells using either melanopsin mRNA probes for in situ hybridization histochemistry or the melanopsin antibody in combination with PACAP immunostaining. Melanopsin was demonstrated exclusively in the PACAP-containing retinal ganglion cells and in a few PACAP-expressing displaced ganglion or displaced amacrine cells (Figs. 2–4).Hannibal J., Hinderson P., Knudsen S.M. & Fahrenkrug J.Mihail Bota
OP-projecting retinal ganglion cellYoung and Lund (YL)

Following unilateral OPN injections, labelled cells could be detected in both the ipsilateral and contralateral retinae. in the contralateral retina, the majority of Fluoro-Gold labeled cells were seen in the ventral hemiretina, inferior to the horizontal meridian. The majority of the remaining labeled cells were found in the nasal retinal quadrant, mostly in the peripheral and ventral portion of this quadrant. The diameter of labeled RGCs rangted from 7 micrometers to 25 micrometers. There appears to be two distinct populations of cells labeled, with the majority of cells in the smaller diameter group having the diameters ranging from 10-13 micrometers, and a less populous group of larger cells having diameters of 20-25 micrometers.partial correspondence
Dense PACAP-immunoreactive retinal projections were found in the contralateral OPT while the innervation of the ipsilateral OPT was limitedHannibal J. & Fahrenkrug J.Mihail Bota
glutamate expressing retinal ganglion cellHannibal et al. (Hannibal)

Collator note: authors do not describe the glutamate expressing retinal ganglion cells. Instead they discuss those cells in the context of colocalization with PACAP.is included
The PACAP immunoreactive ganglion cells seemed to constitute a subpopulation of glutamate immunoreactive ganglion cells (Fig. 3A, B), since the number of glutamate-containing ganglion cells clearly outnumbered that of PACAP immunoreactive ganglion cells (Fig. 3A, B).Hannibal J., Moller M., Ottersen O.P. & Fahrenkug J.Mihail Bota
LHA-projecting retinal ganglion cellMoore (Moore)

...FluoroGold injections restricted to the LHA (n = 7) label a small population of cells found almost exclusively in one quadrant of the retina (Fig. 2). Although there is some variability in fiducial mark placementsm this appears to be the superior temporal quadrant of the retina. The size and morphology of these cells are consistent with the type III classification of Perry [24]. They have one to four thin radiating dendrites (Fig. 3A and B) which can be followed only for short distances, usually not more than a few cell diameters. Within these limits, the dendrites appaear to give off few branches. Retinas ipsilateral to LHA injections contain only a few labeled cells. The ipsilateral cells have a similar distribution and morphology. ...a homogenous population of cells with a mean area of 92.3 ± 23.3 micromenters2 and a mean diameter of 12.6 ± 1.6 micrometers.partially corresponds
...a relatively dense accumulation of ChB-containing retinal projections with a marked contralateral dominance was located in the....LH dorsal to the supraoptic nucleus. ... only a small fraction of the ChB immunoreactive fibres in the LH contained PACAP (Fig.1J-L).Hannibal J. & Fahrenkrug J.Mihail Bota