Cell details

Tree of the retinal ganglion cell A1, nomenclature (acronym): Huxlin and Goodchild (HG)







projection interneuron



retinal ganglion cell



retinal ganglion cell A



Related concepts
Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of retinal ganglion cell A1
AnnotationReference Collator
giant ganglion cellBunt (Bunt)

Several examples have been found of giant cells similar to those described by Polyak in the primate retina as having large somata (20 micrometers or greater) and relatively thick dendritic branches which were smooth and spine-free, radiating outward from the soma to extend throughout the inner plexiform layer. The diameter of the dendritic spread reached 260 micrometers.synonym
Subgroup RGA1 cells (Figs. 2A, 3–5, Table 1) have a morphology similar to that of the ‘‘giant’’ cells of Bunt (1976).Huxlin K.R & Goodchild A.K.Mihail Bota