Cell details

retinal ganglion cell Class IIa, nomenclature (acronym): Dreher (Dreher)

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Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of retinal ganglion cell Class IIa
AnnotationReference Collator
retinal ganglion cell B2Huxlin and Goodchild (HG)

Fourteen neurons were defined as RGB2 cells (Figs. 2D, 8B). These cells are easy to distinguish by the very dense nature of their small dendritic trees. This high density is due to frequent, irregular branching of fine dendrites, which curve, twist, and overlap extensively (Fig. 2D). Their cell body is generaly located well within the confines of the dendritic tree. RGB2 cells were found across the retina (Fig. 9).includes
Dreher and colleagues (1985) identified two types of small-field ganglion cells. It is difficult to determine, as a result of incomplete filling, which of their classes resemble ours. The authors described their Class IIa as ‘‘bushy,’’ which may correlate with our RGB2 cells. Collator note: see also Dreher et al. 1985, and their discussion about the similarity of Class IIa with Type II retinal ganglion cells of Perry, and compare with Table 1 from Huxlin & Goodchild, 1997.Huxlin K.R & Goodchild A.K.Mihail Bota
retinal ganglion cell type IIPerry (Perry)

Type II cells have intermediate cell bodies and usually have smaller dendritic fields thant either type I and type III cells (see table 1). The number of primary dendrites varies from 1 to 4 in number and these pass into the outer layers of the inner plexiform layers. The cells have many short branches along the primary dendrites and the dendrites may be spiny (plate 2, figures 4, 5 and 6; and figure 9).synonim
....Class IIa cells have a very similar morphology to Type II cells identified both in Golgi-stained wholemounted retinae [Perry, 1979] and in retinal wholemounts from rats in which HRP has been injectede into the thalamus and midbrain [Perry, 1981].Dreher B., Sefton A.J., Ni S.Y.K, Nisbett G.Mihail Bota