Cell details

retinal ganglion cell Class III, nomenclature (acronym): Dreher (Dreher)

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Cell type (class)Nomenclature (Acronym) DefinitionRelation of retinal ganglion cell Class III
AnnotationReference Collator
SCN-projecting retinal ganglion cellMoore (Moore)

Examination of whole mounts of a retina contralateral to the injected eye reveals a population of infected ganglion cells that appears to have a relatively uniform distribution across the retina. Individual neurosn have spherical-to-oval perikarya with two-to-four thin, sparsely branching proximal dendrites (Fig. 5). Dendrites extend radially from the cell soma, but the full extent of the dendritic arbors cannot be determined because the viral immunoreactivity does not extend into distal dendrites.... With Flurogold injections into the SCN that do not appear to extend into the optic chiasm, the labeled ganglion cells have a median area of 100 micrometers square. The mean area is 109.7 micrometers square and the mean diameter is 14.3 micrometers square. In addition ot the large numbers of small ganglion cells labeled there is a small number of larger cells with areas ranging from 160 to 250 micrometers square and diameters ranging from 18 to 22 micrometers. The data for the PRV injections in intact animals appear similar except that the median area (70 micrometers square), mediam diameter (12 micrometers), mean area (96.2 micrometers square) and mean diameter (13.7 micrometers) are all smaller than in the Fluorogold group. ...We interpret these differences to reflect that both the Fluorogold group and the intact PRV group are showing labeled ganglion cells that project to areas other than the SCN.includes
The major group that is labeled in all of the experimental paradigms, SCN injection od FluoroGold and HRP and intravitreal PRV-Bartha injeciotns, is the type III retinal ganglion cell (Perry, 1979; Dreher et al. 1985).Moore R.Y., Speh J.C. & Card J.P.Mihail Bota
retinal ganglion cell CHuxlin and Goodchild (HG)

Group RGC cells are defined as having small-to-medium cell bodies and medium-to-large dendritic fields. Their morphology was more heterogeneous than that of Groups RGA and RGB.is included
Dreher and colleagues (1985) labelled Class III cells following injections of HRP into the SC and the DLG. Despite the incomplete filling of cells with HRP, the authors recognised that their Class III cells (with small somata and very large dendritic trees) were a heterogenous group. We suggest that these cells are likely part of our Group RGC.Huxlin K.R & Goodchild A.K.Mihail Bota
retinal ganglion cell type IIIPerry (Perry)

Type III cells have small bodies but they have the largest range of dendritic field sizes (see table 1). The dendrites of this cell class branch less frequently than those of the other classes. This group of cells encompasses a slightly wider variety of dendritic morphology, than the other three classes.synonim
Class III cells, like some of the Golgi-stained Type III cells distinguished by Perry [1979] or his HRP-labeled Type III cells [Perry, 1981], have small to medium perikarya (6-20 micrometers) and large dendritic trees (up to 510 micrometers).Dreher B., Sefton A.J., Ni S.Y.K, Nisbett G.Mihail Bota