Reports of presence of AII in: LHA.
Physiological conditionCell pool position in regionHemisphereQualitative density of AII in LHARelative to basalAnnotationReferenceCollator
Chemical treatment: colchicinedorso-lateralleft hemispheremoderatenot measuredJust caudal to the PVH, starting at the level of the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus and extending back to the level of the premammillary nuclei, large cells are seen in the lateral hypothalamic area, and are concentrated dorsal and lateral to the fornix (fig.2C, plates 16-18). Lind W.R., Swanson L.W. & Ganten D., 1985
Chemical treatment: colchicinenot knownleft hemisphereexistsnot of AII-immunoreactive cell bodies was located in the caudal half of the substantia innominata (fig. 3C, plates 12-15), and it appears that these cells extend into far-lateral parts of the lateral hypothalamic areas (plate 15).Lind W.R., Swanson L.W. & Ganten D., 1985

 immunohistochemistry data