
Experiment acronym Annotation Collator Author checked
Swanson-AIINormal male rats that received colchicine into the lateral cerebral ventricle, or into the cisternum magnum, for cell body staining enhancement.Mihail Botano

Animals (subjects)
Sex: M
Number of animals: 9
Age: not specified
Mass: not specified
Unit of mass: not specified
Housing conditions: normal housing
Annotation: A total of 30 adult male rats, consisting of 4 different groups was used. The first was made up of 13 normal male Sprague-Dawley rats. 5 of them received colchicine into the lateral cerebral ventricle, 4 received intracisternal colchicine.
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Experimental method
Experiment type: immunohistochemistry
Neuron/glia identification method: stain specific
Staining frequency: 1:5 or 1:10

Experimental details:
Antigen: AII
Antigen species: not specified
Source (producer): specified elsewhere
Primary antibody: Rabbit DE
Primary antibody species: rabbit
Antibody type (monoclonal, polyclonal): not specified
Secondary antibody: not specified
Secondary antibody species: goat
Immunoglobulin class: Alpa globulin
Control: adsorption
Visualization method: fluorescence
Visualization medium: slide
Annotation: The production and characterization of the AII antiserum (Rabbit DE) are described in detail elsewhere [8,58]. For all of our experiments it was used at a dilution of 1:2,500 and the secondary antiserum, affinity-purified goat-anti-rabbit conjugated to fluorescein isothycyanate (Tago), was used at a dilution of 1:200. To demonstrate specificity of immunohistochemical staining, all of the major cell groups and fiber systems described below were examined with anitserum that was blocked by liquid-phase absorption. The same solid-pahse adsorption technique was used to demonstrate an absence of crossreactivity between the anti-AII serum and vasopressin in the hypothalamus and basal telencephalon.

Anatomy and histology
Section plane: coronalAngle: not specifiedCutting method: microtome Preservation: freezing Thickness: 30 micrometer
Staining type: thionin Sampling: 1:5 or 1:10 Annotation: Tissue was cut (30 micrometers) with a sliding microtome and free-floating sections were stained with an immunofluorescence procedure described in detail elsewhere.

Mapping details
Coordinates: noneData presentation:
representative labeled images
representative drawings or mappings onto templates
Mapping approach: brain region is captured in a BAMS nomenclature other than that used in the original publication